We did not create the heavens and earth and all that is between them for fun.
God's wisdom in creation and in Sending the Messengers
All-Anbiyā (The Prophets)
All-Anbiyā (The Prophets)
We did not create the heavens and earth and all that is between them for fun.
If We had wished for a pastime, We could have had it from Our own, if We were to do so.
Rather, We hurl the truth at falsehood, and it crushes it, so it vanishes. Woe to you for what you falsely ascribe [to Allah]!
To Him belongs all those who are in the heavens and earth. Those [angels] who are with Him are not too proud to worship Him, nor do they ever grow weary.
They glorify Him day and night tirelessly.
Or have they taken gods from the earth who [cannot even] resurrect the dead?
If there had been gods besides Allah in the heavens and earth, both realms would have fallen in disorder. Glory be to Allah – Lord of the Throne – far above what they ascribe [to Him].
He cannot be questioned for what He does, but they will be questioned.
Or have they taken other gods besides Him? Say, “Bring your proof. Here is the Book of those who are with me, and the Book of those who came before me.” Yet most of them do not know the truth, so they turn away.
“We never sent before you [O Prophet] any messenger without revealing to him that none has the right to be worshiped except Me, so worship Me.”
They say, “The Most Compassionate has begotten offspring!” Glory be to Him! In fact, those [angels] are His honored slaves.
They do not speak before He speaks, and they only do as He commands.
He knows what is ahead of them and what is behind them. They cannot intercede except for whom He pleases, and they are fearful in awe of Him.
If anyone of them were to say, “I am god besides Him,” We would punish him with Hell. This is how We punish the wrongdoers.
Are the disbelievers not aware that the heavens and earth were joined together and then We split them apart? We created from water every living thing. Will they not then believe?
We have set on the earth firm mountains so it does not shake with them, and We have made therein broad pathways so that they may find their way.
And We have made the sky a well-protected canopy, yet they turn away from its signs.
It is He Who created the night and the day, the sun and the moon – each floating in its orbit.
We did not grant immortality to any human being before you [O Prophet]. So if you die, will they live forever?
Every soul will taste death; We test you with bad and good as a trial, then to Us you will all be returned.