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Islam is the religion of the prophets
and all mankind
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Get to Know the Quran from the Quran
The messengers in the Quran and their Monotheistic Call
History of the beginning
The universe and Allah's Signs in it
Islam is the religion of the prophets and all mankind
The Messiah (peace be upon him), in the Quran
The Monotheism’s proofs, its impact, and consequences of denying it
The manners of Islam and some of its teachings
The end and the consequence of oppression and Following the Devil
Islam Is the Religion of All Prophets
Al-Baqarah (The Cow)
The Human aspect of the Messengers and their one and only Message
An-Nisā (The Women)
Prophet Muhammad's message to all humankind
Al-Mā’idah (The Spread Table )
Universal Mercy of the Prophet Muhammad’s Mission
All-Anbiyā (The Prophets)
Islam is the religion of human instinct
Ar-Rūm (The Romans)