It is We Who created you; will you not then believe [in resurrection]?
Proofs for Allah’s Lordship and the Quran’s authenticity
Al-Wāqi‘ah (The Inevitable Event )
Al-Wāqi‘ah (The Inevitable Event )
It is We Who created you; will you not then believe [in resurrection]?
Have you thought about the semen that you emit?
Is it you who create it, or is it We Who are the Creators?
We have ordained death among you, and nothing can overcome us
from transforming you and recreating you in forms that you do not know.
You are well aware of the first creation; why do you not then take heed?
Have you thought about what you sow?
Is it you who cause it grow, or is it We Who make it grow?
If We willed, We could reduce your harvest to crumble, leaving you to wonder and lament,
“We suffered loss,
rather, we are deprived.”
Have you thought about the water that you drink?
Is it you who bring it down from the clouds, or is it We Who bring it down?
If We willed, We could make it salty; will you not then give thanks?
Have you thought about the fire that you kindle?
Is it you who produced its trees, or is it We Who produced it?
We made it a reminder [of the Hellfire] and a benefit for the travelers.
So glorify the Name of your Lord, the Most Great.
I do swear by the positions of the stars –
and this is indeed a great oath, if only you knew –
that this is indeed a noble Qur’an,
in a well-preserved Record,
that none can touch except the purified [angels] –
a revelation from the Lord of the worlds.
Do you take this discourse lightly,
and instead [of thanking Allah] for the provision you are given, you show ingratitude?
Then why [are you helpless] when the soul reaches the throat,
while you are looking on,
when We are closer to him than you, but you do not see?
If you are not subject to retribution, then why do you not
bring that [soul] back, if you are truthful?
If that dying person is one of those who will be brought near to Allah,
then [he will have] comfort, fragrance, and a Garden of Bliss.
If he is one of the people of the right,
[He will be told], “Peace be to you, for being one of the people of the right.”
But if he is one of the misguided deniers,
then he will be welcomed with scalding water,
and he will burn in Blazing Fire.
This is indeed the absolute truth.
So glorify the name of your Lord, the Most Great.